21 December 2015

A Renewed Invitation to Become a Wikiartist

Collaborate in Creating the Mediterranean Rim Wikiart Project 
This blog is an exemplary wikiart project that invites people living in the countries that surround the Mediterranean Sea to be wikiartists by collaborating in creating a web-enabled peer-produced artwork.

Anyone from the 21 Mediterranean Rim countries can become a wikiartist by participating. Spain, France, Monaco, Malta, Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Montenegro, Albania, Greece, Turkey, Syria, Cyprus, Lebanon, Israel, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, and Morocco 

This blog post renews the invitation to participate in this wikiart project that was started in 2008 by the artist Mel Alexenberg.

Peer Participation: Weddings and Flowers

Step 1. Send a wedding photograph from your country, the first names of the bride and groom, and the city and country in which they live. E-mail the picture as a JPG file and the information about the couple to art@wikiartists.us. The wedding pictures will be posted on this blog in the geographical order of the countries as they surround the Sea.

Step 2. Send a photograph of flowers that grow in your country as a wedding gift to a couple from another Med Rim country. E-mail the flowers as a JPG file to art@wikiartists.us. Your flower picture with the names of both of your country and the flower species will be posted with the wedding picture of the couple.

10 December 2014

MEditerranean RIm WIkiart Project (MERIWIP)

Become a Wikiartist
MERIWIP invites people living in the countries that surround the Mediterranean Sea to be wikiartists by collaborating in creating a web-enabled peer-produced artwork.

Anyone from the 21 Mediterranean Rim countries can become a wikiartist by participating in MERIWIP.
(Spain, France, Monaco, Malta, Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Montenegro, Albania, Greece, Turkey, Syria, Cyprus, Lebanon, Israel, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, and Morocco) 

Interaction Towards Multiform Unity
MERIWIP will facilitate interaction between people living in the Med Rim countries to promote good will and unity – not the unity of the uniform, but multiform unity in which the distinctive culture of each country is honored. Marriage is an archetype of multiform unity, a loving unification that respects diversity. At its best, it creates a vibrant harmony between two singular people of different sexes, life experiences, cognitive styles, and viewpoints. It is a model for bringing peaceful relationships between to the rich variety of peoples and nations surrounding the Sea.

This wikiart project is inspired by YASMIN’s call for projects to advance communication, collaboration, and cooperation between these 21 countries. YASMIN is an Internet community that promotes art-science-technology interactions around the Mediterranean Rim.

06 March 2010

Wiki Perspectives: Multiform Unity and Global Tribes

Wikiartists should read the "Wiki Perspectives: Multiform Unity and Global Tribes" chapter in The Future of Art in a Postdigital Age: From Hellenistic to Hebraic Consciousness (Intellect Books/University of Chicago Press).

From the University of Chicago Press catalog:

In The Future of Art in a Postdigital Age, artist and educator Mel Alexenberg offers a prophetic vision of a postdigital future that reveals a paradigm shift from the Hellenistic to the Hebraic roots of Western culture. The author surveys new art forms emerging from a postdigitial age that address the humanization of digital technologies. He ventures beyond the digital to explore postdigital perspectives rising from creative encounters between art, science, technology, and human consciousness. New chapters “Postdigital Perspectives: Rediscovering Ten Fingers” and “Wiki Perspectives: Multiform Unity and Global Tribes” have been added to chapters on semiotic, morphological, kabbalistic, and halakhic perspectives. The interrelationships between these alternative perspectives demonstrate the confluence between postdigital art and the dynamic, creative, open-ended Jewish structure of consciousness. Alexenberg’s pioneering artwork – a vibrant fusion of spiritual and technological realms – exemplifies and complements the theoretical thesis of his book. A revolutionary investigation into interactive and collaborative forms that imaginatively envisages the vast potential of art in a postdigital future.

11 September 2008

Creating Wikiart

.us url / not .com
This http://wikiartists.us/ blog was created to invite people in all walks of life to become wikiartists by participating in the creation of web-enabled peer-produced artworks. This blog's URL is http://wikiartists.us – not .com, not .org, not .net – but .us – us – we the people interacting with each other through the web, crossing borders and honoring cultures different from our own.

MERIWIP: Exemplary Wikiart Project
People from the 21 Mediterreanean Rim countries (Spain, France, Monaco, Malta, Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Montenegro, Albania, Greece, Turkey, Syria, Cyprus, Lebanon, Israel, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, and Morocco) are invited to participate.  The invitation below has been translated into all the languages of the Med Rim countries.

Participate in MERIWIP: MEditerranean RIm WIkiart Project 
Anyone can be a wikiartist by collaborating in creating web-enabled peer-produced artworks. MERIWIP invites people living in the 21 countries that surround the Mediterranean Sea to interact with each other through images of local weddings and native flowers. Look below for instructions for participation. Please forward this message to your friends and relatives around the Med Rim. Email JPEG wedding pictures and photos of native flowers to melalexenberg@yahoo.com  

Oldest Med Rim Languages in Use Today: Hebrew and Greek
Hebrew and Greek are the oldest Med Rim languages still in use.  Contemporary Israelis and Greeks can read Hebrew and Greek texts written more than 3,000 years ago.  Below are translations of the English text above into Hebrew and Greek written with the same ancient alphabets used in Israel and Greece today.  

כל אחד יכול להיות ויקיארטיסט באמצעות שיתוף פעולה
ביצירת אומנות המאופשרות באינטרנט בהפקת עמיתים. מזמין אנשים המתגוררים ב 21 המדינות הסובבות את הים התיכון, ליצור קשר אחד עם השני דרך תמונות של חתונות או פרחים מקומיים. לפרטי השתתפות melalexenberg.com
והעבירו הודעה זו לחבריכם הסובבים את הים התיכון

Γίνε κι εσύ ένας wikiartist με τη συμμετοχή σου στο MERIWIP: MEditerranean RIm WIkiart Project. Καθένας μπορεί να γίνει wikiartist με τη συνεργασία του/της στη δημιουργία συλλογικά-παραχθέντων έργων τέχνης μέσω του web. Το MERIWIP προσκαλεί τους ανθρώπους που ζουν στις 21 χώρες που περιβάλλουν τη Μεσόγειο να αλληλεπιδράσουν ο ένας με τον άλλον μέσω των εικόνων των τοπικών γάμων και των εγγενών λουλουδιών. Δείτε την ιστοσελίδα melalexenberg.com για τις λεπτομέρειες της συμμετοχής σας και διαβιβάστε αυτό το μήνυμα στους φίλους σας γύρω από τη λεκάνη της Μεσογείου.

02 September 2008

Wikiart: Web-enabled Artistic Collaboration

Artistic Collaboration and the Redefinition of Art 
‘I propose that collaboration was a crucial element in the transition from modernist to postmodernist art and that a trajectory consisting of a series o artistic collaborations emerges clearly from the late 1960s conceptualism onward. The proliferation of teamwork in post-1960s art challenged not only the terms by which artistic identity was conventionally conceived but alos the ‘frame’ – the discursive boundary between the ‘inside’ and ‘outside’ of a work of art. I would argue that artist collaboration in the late 1960s and during the 1970s occupies a special position: Redefinition of art and artistic collaboration intersected at this time.’ From ‘The Third Hand: Collaboration in Art from Conceptualism to Postmodernism’ by Charles Green (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2001). 

Peer Production in Web-enabled Communities 
‘This may be the birth of a new era, perhaps even a golden one, on par with the Italian renaissance or the rise of Athenian democracy. Mass collaboration across borders, disciplines, and cultures is at once economical and enjoyable. We can peer produce an operating system, an encyclopedia, the media, a mutual fund, and even physical things like a motorcycle. We are becoming an economy unto ourselves – a vast global network of specialized producers that swap and exchange services for entertainment, sustenance, and learning. A new economic democracy is emerging in which we all have a lead role.’ ‘Billions of connected individuals can now actively participate in innovation, wealth creation, and social development in ways we once only dreamed of. And when these masses of people collaborate the collectively can advance the arts, culture, science, education, government, and the economy in surprising but ultimately profitable ways. Companies that engage with these exploiting Web-enabled communities are already discovering the true dividends of collective capability and genius…based on new competitive principles such as openness, peering, sharing, and acting globally.’ From ‘Wikonomics: How Mass Collaboration Changes Everything’ by Don Tapscott and Anthony D. Williams (New York and London: Portfolio, 2008). 

Empowering and Unifying Individuals Everywhere 
‘The divine purpose of the present information revolution, which gives an individual unprecedented power and opportunity, is to allow us to share knowledge – spiritual knowledge – with each other, empowering and unifying individuals everywhere. We need to use today’s interactive technology not just for business or leisure but to interlink as people – to create a welcome environment for the interaction of our souls, our hearts, our visions.’ From ‘Toward a Meaningful Life: The Wisdom of the Rebbe’ by Menachem M. Schneerson, adapted by Simon Jacobson (New York: William Morrow, 1995)


Wedding of Paul and Jo in Nerja

Pnina sends Paul and Jo a white bauhinia from Israel
Conviértete en un Wikiartista al participar en MERIWIP: "Mediterranean Rim Wikiart Project" (Proyecto Rim Mediterráneo de Wikiarte) Cualquier persona puede ser un wikiartista al colaborar creando aplicaciones de arte en web producidas en grupo. MERWIP invita a gente que vive en los 21 países del mar mediterráneo a interactuar el uno con el otro mediante imágenes de bodas locales y flores locales. Para mas detalles ingresar a http://www.wikiartists.us/ y manden este menaje a sus amigos del Mediterráneo.
Bilakatu Wikiartista MERIWIP-en parte hartuz: "Mediterranean Rim Wikiart Project" (“Mediterraneo inguruko Wikiarte Proiektua”). Edozein izan daiteke wikiartista elkarlanean sortutako web-gai diren artelanak egiten lagunduz. MERWIP mediterraneo itsasoko 21 herrialdetan bizi den jendea konbidatzen du bata bestearekiko elkarrekintzara, bertoko ezkontzen eta tokiko loreen irudien bitartez. Parte hartzeko jarraibideak hurrengo web-orrialdean, http://www.wikiartists.us/ . Mesedez bidali honako mezu hau zure lagun eta senitartekoei mediterraneo ingururuan. (translated into the Basque language by Samuel Gonzalez Gallastegui, high school art teacher in Navarra (Spain) and Ph.D. candidate at the University of Basque Country)


Wedding in CannesFlowers from Algeria

Devenez un artiste Wiki en participant à MERIWIP: MEditerranean RIm WIkiart Project. Lisez le projet d'art Wiki Morerranean Rim. Tout le monde peut être un artiste Wiki en collaborant à la création d'œuvres produites en collaboration et compatibles avec le Web. MERIWIP invite les personnes vivant dans les 21 pays du bassin méditerranéen à interagir les unes avec les autres à partir d'images de mariages locaux et de fleurs de leur région. Visitez http://www.wikiartists.us/ pour plus de détails concernant les modalités de participation, et faites passer ce message à vos amis autour de la mer méditerranée. (translated by Pascal Beusse, professor at École nationale des beaux-arts de Lyon, France)


Royal wedding in Monte Carlo
Suleyman sends cactus flowers M. spinosissima from Turkey

Devenez un wikiartist en participant à MERIWIP: bassin méditerranéen WIkiart projet. Tout le monde peut être un wikiartist en collaborant à créer des oeuvres d'art produits par ses pairs et optimisé pour le web. MERIWIP invite les personnes vivant dans les 21 pays qui entourent la Méditerranée à interagissent les uns avec les autres à travers les images des mariages locales et les fleurs indigènes. http://www.wikiartists.us/ pour plus de détails sur la participation et de transmettre ce message à vos amis autour de la méditerranée.


Wedding of Russell and Karla in Malta Roko sends a flower from Croatia to Russell and Karla

Become a wikiartist by participating in MERIWIP: MEditerranean RIm WIkiart Project. Anyone can be a wikiartist by collaborating in creating web-enabled peer-produced artworks. MERIWIP invites people living in the 21 countries that surround the Mediterranean Sea to interact with each other through images of local weddings and native flowers. See http://www.wikiartists.us/ for details on participation and forward this message to your friends around the Med Rim.


Wedding of Francesca and Remo in Milano
Roko and Marija send flowers from Croatia

Diventa un wikiartista partecipando al MERIWIP: MEditerranean RIm WIkiart Project - Progetto Wikiart Bordo del Mediterraneo. Ognuno può essere un wikiartista collaborando alla creazione di opere artistiche prodotte attraverso una piattaforma paritaria (peer) e abilitata per il web. MERIWIP invita le persone che vivono nei 21 paesi che si affacciano sul Mediterraneo ad interagire tra di loro attraverso immagini di matrimoni locali e fiori locali. Visita http://www.wikiartists.us/ per dettagli su come partecipare e inoltra questo messaggio ai tuoi amici intorno al Bordo del Mediterraneo. (translation by Maria Pistoletto and Christina Bottigella at Cittadellarte, Biella, Italy)


Medieval-style wedding of Aisling and Barry
Itsas krabelina, a flower growing in the Basque countryside, sent by Samuel Gonzalez Gallastegui of Navarra, Spain


Wedding of Roka and Marija in Vodice
Francesca and Remo send campanella flowers from Capri Island in Italy to Roka and Marija
Pozivate se sudjelovati u umitničkomu projektu: MERIWIP: MEditerranean RIm WIkiart Project. Bilo ko može surađivati u oblikovanju ove web stranice i omogućena je ravnopravna izrada umitničkog dila. MERIWP poziva ljude koji žive u 21 zemlji koje okružuju Mediteransko more. Tema su lokalni običaji vinčanja i autohtono cviće. Detalje o svemu vidite na http://www.wikiartist.us/ i pošaljite ovu poruku prijatejima okolo Med Rim.
(translated into Croatian (Dalmatia region) by the artist Roko Ivanda of Vodice, Croatia)





Γίνε κι εσύ ένας wikiartist με τη συμμετοχή σου στο MERIWIP: MEditerranean RIm WIkiart Project. Καθένας μπορεί να γίνει wikiartist με τη συνεργασία του/της στη δημιουργία συλλογικά-παραχθέντων έργων τέχνης μέσω του web. Το MERIWIP προσκαλεί τους ανθρώπους που ζουν στις 21 χώρες που περιβάλλουν τη Μεσόγειο να αλληλεπιδράσουν ο ένας με τον άλλον μέσω των εικόνων των τοπικών γάμων και των εγγενών λουλουδιών. Δείτε την ιστοσελίδα http://www.wikiartists.us/ για τις λεπτομέρειες της συμμετοχής σας και διαβιβάστε αυτό το μήνυμα στους φίλους σας γύρω από τη λεκάνη της Μεσογείου.
(translated by Veroniki Korakidou, Ph.D Researcher at European Mobile Lab for Interactive Media, Athens, Greece)


MERIWIP: MEditerranean RIm WIkiart Project(Akdeniz Wikisanat Projesi) ` e katılarak wikisanatçı olun. Akran tarafından üretilmiş internet destekli sanat eserleri yaratma konusunda iş birliği yaparak, herkes wikisanatçı olabilir. MERIWIP, Akdeniz`i çevreleyen 21 ülkede yaşayan insanları, yerel düğünlerin ve yerel çiçeklerin resimleri vasıtasıyla etkileşime girmeye davet ediyor. Katılım hakkındaki detaylar için http://www.wikiartists.us internet sitesine bakınız ve bu mesajı Akdeniz çevresindeki ülkelerde yaşayan arkadaşlarınıza gönderiniz.


اصبح واحدا من" الويكي فن" بمشاركتك في "ميري وب" : مشروع "ويكي فن" لحوض البحر الابيض المتوسط.يمكن لكل واحد منكم أن يصبح "ويكي فنان" بمساهمته في امكانية انشاء و انتاج أعمال فنية عبر الشبكة. ف"ميري وب" تدعو أشخاصا من 21 دولة من دول البحر الابيط المتوسط للتفاعل فيما بينهم من خلال صور لاعراس محلية و زهور موطنية.اطلع على http://www.wikiartists.us لمزيد من المعلومات حول الاشتراك و أرسل هده الرسالة الى أصدقائك حول حوض المتوسط.


Wedding in Kourdhali in the Republic of Cyprus
Γίνε κι εσύ ένας wikiartist με τη συμμετοχή σου στο MERIWIP: MEditerranean RIm WIkiart Project.Καθένας μπορεί να γίνει wikiartist με τη συνεργασία του/της στη δημιουργία συλλογικά-παραχθέντων έργων τέχνης μέσω του web. Το MERIWIP προσκαλεί τους ανθρώπους που ζουν στις 21 χώρες που περιβάλλουν τη Μεσόγειο να αλληλεπιδράσουν ο ένας με τον άλλον μέσω των εικόνων των τοπικών γάμων και των εγγενών λουλουδιών. Δείτε την ιστοσελίδα http://www.wikiartists.us/ για τις λεπτομέρειες της συμμετοχής σας και διαβιβάστε αυτό το μήνυμα στους φίλους σας γύρω από τη λεκάνη της Μεσογείου.
MERIWIP: MEditerranean RIm WIkiart Project(Akdeniz Wikisanat Projesi) ` e katılarak wikisanatçı olun. Akran tarafından üretilmiş internet destekli sanat eserleri yaratma konusunda iş birliği yaparak, herkes wikisanatçı olabilir. MERIWIP, Akdeniz`i çevreleyen 21 ülkede yaşayan insanları, yerel düğünlerin ve yerel çiçeklerin resimleri vasıtasıyla etkileşime girmeye davet ediyor. Katılım hakkındaki detaylar için http://www.wikiartists.us/ internet sitesine bakınız ve bu mesajı Akdeniz çevresindeki ülkelerde yaşayan arkadaşlarınıza gönderiniz.


Wedding of Jihan and Sari in Beirut
Albireo sends flowers growing near Mellieha in Malta

اصبح واحدا من" الويكي فن" بمشاركتك في "ميري وب" : مشروع "ويكي فن" لحوض البحر الابيض المتوسط.يمكن لكل واحد منكم أن يصبح "ويكي فنان" بمساهمته في امكانية انشاء و انتاج أعمال فنية عبر الشبكة. ف"ميري وب" تدعو أشخاصا من 21 دولة من دول البحر الابيط المتوسط للتفاعل فيما بينهم من خلال صور لاعراس محلية و زهور موطنية.اطلع على http://www.wikiartists.us/ لمزيد من المعلومات حول الاشتراك و أرسل هده الرسالة الى أصدقائك حول حوض المتوسط


Wedding of Oded and Inbal in Tel Aviv

Roko sends flowers from Croatia to Oded and Inbal

Wedding of Moshe and Carmit in Petah Tikva Toadflax flowers for Moshe and Carmit from Morocco

כל אחד יכול להיות ויקיארטיסט באמצעות שיתוף פעולה ביצירת אומנות המאופשרות באינטרנט בהפקת עמיתים. מזמין אנשים המתגוררים ב 21 המדינות הסובבות את הים התיכון, ליצור קשר אחד עם השני דרך תמונות של חתונות או פרחים מקומיים. לפרטי השתתפות http://www.wikiartists.us/ ראהוהעבירו הודעה זו לחבריכם הסובבים את הים התיכון
(translated by Renana Goren of Tel Aviv)


اصبح واحدا من" الويكي فن" بمشاركتك في "ميري وب" : مشروع "ويكي فن" لحوض البحر الابيض المتوسط.يمكن لكل واحد منكم أن يصبح "ويكي فنان" بمساهمته في امكانية انشاء و انتاج أعمال فنية عبر الشبكة. ف"ميري وب" تدعو أشخاصا من 21 دولة من دول البحر الابيط المتوسط للتفاعل فيما بينهم من خلال صور لاعراس محلية و زهور موطنية.اطلع على http://www.wikiartists.us لمزيد من المعلومات حول الاشتراك و أرسل هده الرسالة الى أصدقائك حول حوض المتوسط.


اصبح واحدا من" الويكي فن" بمشاركتك في "ميري وب" : مشروع "ويكي فن" لحوض البحر الابيض المتوسط.يمكن لكل واحد منكم أن يصبح "ويكي فنان" بمساهمته في امكانية انشاء و انتاج أعمال فنية عبر الشبكة. ف"ميري وب" تدعو أشخاصا من 21 دولة من دول البحر الابيط المتوسط للتفاعل فيما بينهم من خلال صور لاعراس محلية و زهور موطنية.اطلع على http://www.wikiartists.us لمزيد من المعلومات حول الاشتراك و أرسل هده الرسالة الى أصدقائك حول حوض المتوسط.


Wedding in Tunisia
Franco send a caper flower from Algeria

اصبح واحدا من" الويكي فن" بمشاركتك في "ميري وب" : مشروع "ويكي فن" لحوض البحر الابيض المتوسط.يمكن لكل واحد منكم أن يصبح "ويكي فنان" بمساهمته في امكانية انشاء و انتاج أعمال فنية عبر الشبكة. ف"ميري وب" تدعو أشخاصا من 21 دولة من دول البحر الابيط المتوسط للتفاعل فيما بينهم من خلال صور لاعراس محلية و زهور موطنية.اطلع على http://www.wikiartists.us/ لمزيد من المعلومات حول الاشتراك و أرسل هده الرسالة الى أصدقائك حول حوض المتوسط


اصبح واحدا من" الويكي فن" بمشاركتك في "ميري وب" : مشروع "ويكي فن" لحوض البحر الابيض المتوسط.يمكن لكل واحد منكم أن يصبح "ويكي فنان" بمساهمته في امكانية انشاء و انتاج أعمال فنية عبر الشبكة. ف"ميري وب" تدعو أشخاصا من 21 دولة من دول البحر الابيط المتوسط للتفاعل فيما بينهم من خلال صور لاعراس محلية و زهور موطنية.اطلع على http://www.wikiartists.us لمزيد من المعلومات حول الاشتراك و أرسل هده الرسالة الى أصدقائك حول حوض المتوسط


اصبح واحدا من" الويكي فن" بمشاركتك في "ميري وب" : مشروع "ويكي فن" لحوض البحر الابيض المتوسط.يمكن لكل واحد منكم أن يصبح "ويكي فنان" بمساهمته في امكانية انشاء و انتاج أعمال فنية عبر الشبكة. ف"ميري وب" تدعو أشخاصا من 21 دولة من دول البحر الابيط المتوسط للتفاعل فيما بينهم من خلال صور لاعراس محلية و زهور موطنية.اطلع على http://www.wikiartists.us لمزيد من المعلومات حول الاشتراك و أرسل هده الرسالة الى أصدقائك حول حوض المتوسط.
(translated by Abdelkrim Amrani, Abdelmalek Essaadi University in Tetouan, Morocco)